They all are very 중요 for me! My가족, My메모리, My사랑, My심장, My감사 ... Here I want them 항상 when I need ... I do not have anything to be given ... But, only able to create a 추억 with them ... 너희들을 사랑한다 <3<3<3 !!!

Friday 3 May 2013

:: 3 Y.E.A.R.S! ::

Today I feel something, I'm not usually feel like this before, but this feeling teach and realize me that we need to appreciated all things that we have ... 

Receive a massage in evening, it was my work time ... 
Its really make me shock, what I say in my heart, "ARE YOU SERIOUS???"
Three years dear, three years ...
The past of three years, feel like, just now happen ... 
Its true, when we are together, we can't feel the missing ... 
When we are together, we can't feel the true feeling that we should feel ...
But when I far from you guys, when you guys far from me, its really make me hurt ... 
Make me always, before sleep, my routine it was, crying ...
Its happen like, before this we are always together and never be far ...
If we are not always in 6, but, we are always in around when each of us need it ... 

Second by second ...
Minutes by minutes ...
Hours by hours ... 
Day by day ... 
Week by week ...
Month by month ... 
Year by year ... 
What ever happen, one day we need to separate ... 
Even my heart will be hurt and really pain ... 
Before this I'm not grateful what I have ...
I'm not satisfied what I have ...
But, when we are far, feel something that I usually not feel it because we are always together ... 
The feeling it was M.I.S.S 
Just one word that can change everything ... 
I'm glad that I can miss you guys, that means, I can't be far away from you guys ... 
I feel that I would like to always being besides you guys ...  

I'm sorry dear, if after we done our practicle, I'm not seeing and meet you guys ... 
That not means, that I already forget you guys ... 
REMEMBER! That you always with me and always give me support and advice ... 
How could I forget a person that always help me no matter happen ... 
You guys is my strength!!!
If not because of your guys advice and support, I don't were I have been ... 
I'm sorry, if I'm not always calling or massaging your guys ... 

Seriously, damnly, stupidly, crazly, I miss you guys so much ... 
I miss all the memory that we create for a past 3 years ... 
I miss to lepaking with you guys in Mamak stall ... 
We eat and we share a food ...
I miss to fight with you guys ... 
I miss to hangout with you guys after class and eat MC'D or FOOD COURT in SOGO ... 
I miss to "kutuk-kutuk belakang", hahahahahaha! :') 
I miss all!!
I wish I can turn back the time, the memory ... 

What ever it, we need separate for temporarily ...
We need to faces a new challenge, new environment and new life ... 
You are my true friends! 
Until Jannah!!! InsyaALLAH ^^

Dear friends! 
I'm sorry if for the past 3 years, I always do a thing without thinking your guys feeling ... 
But, deep in my heart, not crossed in my mind to make you hate and hurt because of my attitude ... 
I want you guys back ... 
Its not easy to admit our wrong ... 
I learn from my mistake, its hurt far away from you guys ... 
I know its easy to say SORRY ...
BUT, for those are really hurt because of my attitude, it not easy to accept, I'm right my friends ???
I wish and I hope that we can started again, like we meet for a first time ...
Can I ???

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